I gassed up in Lawrence and had my first gas station faux pas, although I maintain it was a result of faulty equipment and not human error. As I lifted the nozzle from it’s handle to the car, it shot a spontaneous burst of gasoline all over the side of my car!! Waaaaah. I had to clean it all up and the first half an hour of my drive smelled bad.
Again, the book on tape; I can’t tell you much about the drive from the gas station to the Missouri border. I passed through the childhood home of Dwight D. Eisenhower and of some astronaut I had never heard of. I saw the Gateway arch from a while away and got really exited. It’s really, really big up close. Way bigger than I expected. Which made it pretty imposs
I will say that Missouri has really terrible billboards. One of my personal favorites: Don’t just be a person, be a personality!! (for broadcaster positions). ...Also, there are several warning signs about slowing down in construction sites, although the presentation is a little disconcerting; they all say HIT A WORKER really big, and then $10,000 fine underneath. It seems more like an invitation, doesn’t it? It’s not IF you hit a worker, or DONT hit a worker. But hitting a worker seems like it would be a really really bad thing anyway--do people really need signs to be discouraged from this?
Missouri also has its share of pro-life billboards, but somewhat paradoxically, they have an equal amount, if not more, of XXX adult superstore billboards. Go figure.
Missouri wildlife sightings: dead armadillos on the side of the road.
Culturally: confederate flag license plates and “OBAMA: One Big Ass Mistake, America” bumper stickers. Also passed through the home of David Cook, American Idol winner 2008 (no, I don’t watch the show or care, and yes, this was on an actual highway sign--this town must be really desperate for some action).
Made it to my dad's sister's husband's brother-and-his-wife's farm (follow? from here on out I'll just call them Bob and Sharon...). So much to report from farm life it'll have to have it's own entry, soon to follow...
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