Not much to report from this drive. A lot more green. Passed through “Wild and Wonderful West Virginia” whose main industry, judging by the smell, is coal mining. The billboards, however, would have you believe that golf is the main attraction here. As neither really appeal to me, I only stopped once, in a town called Chimneyville or something like that, for gas, and then cruised right through.
I saw my first little “East-coasty” town in Maryland and have to admit may have been a tiny bit culture shocked to see so many buildings next to each other, after the sparseness of Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, and West Virginia. My grip on the steering wheel tightened considerably entering DC, what with quadruple the amount of cars I was used to quadruply close together at quadruple the speed I thought should have been appropriate for the situation. I was really afraid of being honked at, but the guy behind me leaned on his horn because I chose not to run down a family with a baby in a stroller that chose to cross the street on my green light, I realized that being honked at in the city would be inevitable, unless I felt like committing manslaughter.
I somehow found a parking spot fairly close to my step-sister Rachel’s house, and found that I had inadvertently timed my arrival perfectly with a bbq/party that she and her seven housemates were having. I lugged in my bags, was handed a cold beer and a veggie burger, and forgot all about being honked at.
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