The next morning was fix-it day. As we all know, when it rains it pours, and my cell phone decided now would be an excellent time to go on the fritz. It would only function on speakerphone mode, which is a little rude if you ask me. I managed to contact the broken-window-glass-guy who agreed to come out to the house and replace the window there, and in the meanwhile Theresa and I went out in search of a new phone. Anyone who accompanies another person while shopping for a cell phone is a saint. Especially when that person has a debilitating case of "I-hate-shopping-for-electronics-and-am-indecisive-on-top-of-that" syndrome. Thank you, Theresa.
The next fix-it was my ukulele. I realize that I neglected to report during the intense heat of the farm in Illinois, one of my uke strings popped right off! I had, up until this point, taken a hiatus from uke-ing. Luckily my gracious guardian angel host family took me to a music shop and I was able to get it re-strung! (Although this wasn't without obstacles either; the first shop we tried laughed at my "little guitar"...they had never seen a ukulele before!)
I ended up spending a few days in Maryland. We gardened, went for walks, played intense domino games, and did sight-seeing at Fort McHenry and Baltimore. I even learned how to eat blue crabs! (see right, weilding tools of the trade...) I can't possibly describe how lovely this visit was. In retrospect, I realize I was actually quite lucky to have my window broken in the first place, or I may not have gotten to spend this time with such a great family.
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