Life in Parker is nice and mellow, doing painting and reading with Auntie Kris. On Wednesdays she babysits for her art teacher's children, Ella and Sam. I'm not much help here; Ella cries simply when I walk into the room, apparently because I have dark hair (her entire family is blonde...). So, that always starts us off on the right foot. Sam, who is 3, is obsessed with the letter W. He carries a foam W around and shows it to everybody and is also a whiz at spelling. He arranges his foam alphabet into various 3-letter words. As a joke, his dad asked him to spell butterfly. Sam looked up and said 'no dad, we don't have two T's'. Scary smart kid.
I posed for photos that Kris is going to use in her new paintings. Lots of wardrobe changes...including my pajamas, three different wedding dresses, a sarong, and a raincoat. Interested to see how the paintings come out...
I've also been helping Kris teach her kid's art class. The biggest challenge has turned out to be not lesson planning, but keeping the conversation less Britney Spears and more Frida Kahlo. We'll be doing self portraits soon... should be interesting.

Bolder Boulder operations continue to impress me; I just got an email with a link to all the photos that were taken of me during the race. Too cheap to actually buy any, but pulled the copyrighted images to at least prove I ran...and that I had a huge goofy grin on my face the entire time! An example:
Have you grown amoose horn on your right side there LAH...BAH