In the animal department, Kansas apparently has a lot to offer, including a 5 legged steer, a 6 legged cow, and the world’s largest prarie dog, weighing in at 800 lbs. I would have been temped to see the latter, but was tipped off before I left that it is a stuffed animal and not worth the time. Of the animal life I did see, the most exciting was a spikey-looking turtle preparing to cross the road. Long neck and tail....I actually thought it was an iguana from a distance. Poor guy is probably no longer with us, as there were many cars behind me, and I doubt he had the manuerverability and speed to cross safely.
My bit of good luck for the day came when I realized I was about to get on a toll road (and after my Colorado experience, I avoid these like the plague). I blindly exited without a plan and tried to get myself to a place where I could study the map...and somehow wound up at a scenic highway that led straight to Lawrence, my destination for the night! No toll AND a view... bonus!
My bad luck, which followed immediately, was to get really, really lost in Lawrence trying to find Clinton Lake State Park, where I wanted to camp for the night. At least an hour was spent circling, doubling back, and asking strangers until I was finally on the right track, losing daylight quickly. I set up camp around 8:30 and used my brand new stove to heat up some water for a noodle bowl.
I never thought I would appreciate the bitter cold temps of Yellowstone car camping, but I have decided it’s much harder to fall asleep in hot, muggy cars with the windows rolled up (on account of the bugs). Around midnight I decided something had to be done and pulled out my roll of duct tape to McGuiyver a bug screen over the window so I could sleep with the window rolled down. Version #3 worked best, using my pillowcase duct taped to the ceiling, side doors, and the door itself. Worked rather nicely. (see right. yes, I took a picture, I was damn proud of my resourcefulness at midnight!)