Bella’s advertises for its sister establishment, Bella’s Gentleman’s Club, on their coffee mugs. Also: have small books for “table reading” including “How to Understand Women” and “How to Deal When You Are Surrounded By Idiots”. Now my leggings and I are not really feeling like their target customer.
After a good hearty breakfast, depart Wells happy and full. Highway 93 N, faced with first pass-the-semi-on-a-two-lane-highway situation. Would honestly rather spend half an hour behind the truck than face another semi head-on, but reality sets in and I get psyched up to pass. It doesn’t happen for awhile; eventually helped when a car behind me passes both of us. Then I follow suit.
Sign for Idaho is conveniently large enough to see from a distance plus an easy turnout. My first pic with the sign looks stupid, but I fear it would look vain to passerby for taking another pic. Realize nobody passing will realize I’m taking multiple pics. Pose with camera on hood of car, will be using
Really pumped for Craters of the Moon National Monument. Not sure quite what to expect, but from the minute I saw it on the map, I wanted to be able to say I’ve been to the Craters of the Moon. First beautiful signage also passes too quickly--no photo op. Miles and miles of weird lava rock formations; probably what the moon would look like if it also had weird scraggly trees. Took the driving loop; nobody at ranger station--visitors asked to “self-pay” $8 fee into box. Although it briefly passed thru my head, I did not short the national park, even when nobody was looking. Cool, well kept park. Impressed with landscape as well as bathrooms (even came with hand sanitizer. my $8 will be well used). Bit of snow on ground, tried a self-timed photo op tossing snow at camera. Failed to capture. Applesauce-balance bar-leftover breakfast lunch. Delicious.
Towns on the way thru Idaho: will never call Santa Cruz a “small town” again. A small town takes 2 minutes to drive thru. Key structures you will pass: Church, bar
HWY 93 STUNNING. Curvy, running along river, unbelievable colors in the shrubs, trees, rocks. Farm every here and there.
Music: Have listened to every genre there is, I’m pretty sure. I was even tricked into listening to Christian rock for 5 min. (hey, I wasn’t paying attention to the lyrics! no fair!) One of my fav radio stations: A local rundown of the latest...state fair? 4H club happening? Reports include which high school junior sang the national anthem and whose gelding sold for what amount. Also reports on who received what belt buckle awards (not kidding.)
Begins to snow in mountains. Am excited to see cottony fluff in air, although concerned with black ice. Drive like a snail. Luckily, there is no one behind me. Ever. For maybe 2 hrs? Also began to look for Montana sign prematurely (after Nevada loss, I am vigilant around state borders). Once finally located, is snowing quite heavily, no time for a do-over, i will just look like doofus in front of sign.
Finally arrive at Emily’s!! Gorgeous house. Skeet (dog) very happy to see me. Wine, chips, and a biomimicry vid she has to watch with her co-workers. I learn that 3-toed sloths take a week to climb down out of their tree and defecate, and a week to climb back up. I believe my day is now complete.
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